What is Dirt Cheap Wine?

Since 2007, DCW has been providing you with reviews of wines that are $5 or less per bottle and easily found at your local grocery, drugstore or wine store.

Reviews- Simple, straightforward and written while tasting.

Now onto the wine!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Dirt Cheap Champagne Review
brought to you by~
Cara Alwill of "The Champagne Diet"

Do you have Veuve Clicquot taste on a Franzia budget? Love the taste of sparkling wine but afraid that you can't enjoy it unless you spend hundreds of dollars on a vintage bottle of Dom Perignon? Have no fear, affordable Champagnes are here!

When Chelsie asked me to do a piece of "dirt cheap Champagnes" I knew my first job would be clarifying exactly what I'd be reviewing. We all know that true Champagne is only produced in the Champagne region of France. Because of its scarcity, "real" Champagne is typically expensive. The cheapest bottle of Champagne one could ever really get would be probably retail anywhere between $50 and $70. But sparkling wines have the same effervescent quality as Champagnes do, and they are much more budget-friendly.

Here are some great sparkling wine choices under $10

Andre Extra Dry - $4.99
By itself, Andre is not wonderful. Perhaps it’s because before trying it, the only reviews I could find online described it as “the perfect Champagne for college kids on a budget.” I was immediately turned off, and after trying it myself, I had to agree that this is not my favorite. It’s way too sweet and just not enjoyable. But throw in some Cipriani Bellini mix, or some orange juice, and you’ve got yourself a winner. Would I have this with my favorite brunch meal on the weekend? Probably not, but at just about 5 bucks a bottle, you really can’t go wrong when serving “Champagne cocktails” at a party or a brunch to the masses.

Cristalino Brut Cava - $8.99
I stumbled upon Cristalino Brut by accident. It was given to a coworker as a gift from a high-end client. Without seeing a price tag, I assumed this was an expensive Champagne. After falling in love with it, I went to price it in my local liquor store. I was shocked to find how inexpensive this Cava was. Cristalino Brut is an excellent choice for when you want to drink bubbly straight up. It’s crisp and light bodied, with a hint of fruit behind it – but not overbearing. There is definitely an apple taste to it, but don’t be misled – this is a very dry sparkling wine. My favorite out of all the “cheap Champagnes” out there.

Cava Codorniu Brut – $8.99
Another fabulous choice when you’re looking for a sparkling wine under $10 to drink by itself. This is filled with floral and citrus notes, and goes down easy. It’s smooth yet full bodied. This is one of the more complex sparkling wines I’ve tasted in this price range. The best part about it is that it comes in splits for $3.49 a “pop!” Can’t beat that.

~By Cara Alwill of The Champagne Diet


zinbythesea said...

I love Cristalino Rosé Cava! I can often find it at my local grocery store for less $7. When I want bubbles, this is my go-to bottle!

Sam @brokewino said...

Great post! I dig Segura Viudas from Cava, it's usually in the sub $10 region.

Wine Aerator- A Must-Have for Dirt Cheap Wine Drinkers! A good wine aerator can help to "fix" any weird tastes or funky smells that can accompany a not-so-great bottle of wine. Don't pour it down the drain... pour it through an aerator! See some affordable choices at the Dirt Cheap Wine Store