What is Dirt Cheap Wine?

Since 2007, DCW has been providing you with reviews of wines that are $5 or less per bottle and easily found at your local grocery, drugstore or wine store.

Reviews- Simple, straightforward and written while tasting.

Now onto the wine!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

$2 Hayden- Harlow
Pinot Grigio
Stater Bros.

I have been pretty impressed with Hayden-Harlow wines from Stater Bros. The price is nice, and they are quite drinkable but some of them are lacking in depth and character... but hey they're $2 a bottle.

So I have pretty much the same thing to say about the pinot grigio. Totally drinkable, lot's of pears and melon and a tad sweet. A good solid pinot grigio overall, but nothing really stands out and makes me say "wow." But for just two bucks, I think it's a fantastic deal. I have tasted some bad pinot grigio that was much more expensive, so if you want a consistent mild, fruity pinot grigio, this is your best bet. And really, $2? That's cheaper than a Tecate tall boy.

I give this consistent wine a 4 stars out of 5.

Wine Aerator- A Must-Have for Dirt Cheap Wine Drinkers! A good wine aerator can help to "fix" any weird tastes or funky smells that can accompany a not-so-great bottle of wine. Don't pour it down the drain... pour it through an aerator! See some affordable choices at the Dirt Cheap Wine Store