What is Dirt Cheap Wine?

Since 2007, DCW has been providing you with reviews of wines that are $5 or less per bottle and easily found at your local grocery, drugstore or wine store.

Reviews- Simple, straightforward and written while tasting.

Now onto the wine!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

$4 Sutter Home
Stater Bros.

This wine usually retails for $3.99 around here, but I picked it up on sale for just $2.79, nice! I'll be honest, with Sutter Home, it's really hit-or-miss. They have some real stinkers. But a few decent ones (like the Gewurstraminer) keep me trying out new ones in hopes of a winner.

So this is a 2010 Zinfandel and to be honest it smells a bit past it's prime. A few more sniffs and I pick up some currants, blackberries and a bit of meatiness. Upon sipping it's not quite as over-ripe as I had feared. It's actually quite bright and grassy. It is lacking fruit of any kind... there is maybe a teensy bit of... no, nothing. Not bad if you like a dry, non-fruity wine. It's got a few flaws, but hey, don't we all?

I give this a 3 1/2 out of 5 stars.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

$5 Barefoot
Red Moscato

Moscato is the new buzzword of wine these days... usually said by wine newbies who "have just discovered the best wine ever!" It is also mentioned in a few rap songs such as "Do it Now" and the ever-popular "No Hands" which have helped drag Moscato into the spotlight. (And here's a fun fact, Moscato is not technically a "dessert wine" as so many of us think.)

So now to add to the Moscato lineup Barefoot recently introduced a RED Moscato. Yes, you read that right. Moscato is made from the muscat grape and is usually made into a sweet white wine, but this one is a red... well more like a really, really dark pink, but close enough.

I have to admit this wine smells delicious. It smells like fruit salad and I almost want to take a bite out of the glass. Melon, peaches, apples, pears and berries... I am in fruit heaven. (Can someone just bottle this smell, please?) Usually Moscato is heavy on the apples and pears, but this has some nice cherry hints which I'm sure are stemming from the red aspect of the wine.

The first sip is very much not like Moscato- in a good way. I find that regular Moscato can be too syrupy, (not unlike the syrup in a can of pears) but this one is so well-balanced with a nice little zip to it, that keeps it refreshingly sweet without being too heavy. Really it's more like a cross between a Moscato and a rosé. It's very well balanced and I would pick this over a regular Moscato any day of the week. Well done, Barefoot!

I give this 5 out of 5 stars

(Warning, as of this post, Barefoot Red Moscato may not be available everywhere since they just unveiled it a few days ago. But it should be everywhere pretty soon... so keep looking if you don't see it right away.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Top 5 Dirt Cheap Wine picks for Valentines Day

As I discussed on my Red Radio segment, here are my top picks for February 14th. These wines selections have been consistently good over the years and affordable. So whether you're buying a bottle for a romantic Valentine dinner or you're trying to drink away the blues on "Single Awareness Day" you can't go wrong with one of these picks.

Sutter Home Moscato
(ultra-sweet white wine)
Moscato is growing in popularity, especially among people who don't consider themselves wine-drinkers. Moscato is made from a very sweet grape and the wine is super-sweet, almost syrupy. It is considered a "dessert wine" because it pairs well with sweet desserts (or Valentine candy) and can also be sipped as a dessert in itself.

Sutter Home Gewurstraminer
(sweet white wine)
This is a nice sweet, white wine that is very fruity with loads of pears, apples and white grapes. It has a very slight effervescence to it and it goes well with lightly sweet desserts as well as light chicken and fish dishes.

Beringer Pinot Grigio

(slightly sweet white wine)

This is a great all-around people pleaser. Even non-wine drinkers can get on board with this one. And it's still drinkable, even if you don't care for overly sweet wines. This wine goes great with fish, chicken and anything with barbecue sauce on it. Think "summertime-in-a-bottle."

Barefoot Zinfandel
(fruity red wine)
This is a favorite red wine of mine. It is slightly "jammy" which means it has loads of fruit flavors. Expect to taste cherries, blackberries and a rich grape flavor. This wine would be excellent paired with dark chocolate.

Black Swan Merlot
(slightly dry red wine)
This is on the dry side and a very drinkable red. It's got a young, grassiness to it, along with cinnamon and nutmeg which gives it a bit of warmth. I even pick up a touch of dried apricot on the finish. This wine would be great paired with a rich Italian red sauce, or a juicy rib-eye.

Bonus Champagne Selection!
Barefoot Pinot Grigio Sparkling Wine

Now technically they can't call it "Champagne" unless it's made in the Champagne region of France... so we have sparkling wine instead. Barefoot has several selections in their new line of sparkling wine, but the best all-around is the Sparkling Pinot Grigio. It's slightly sweet, without being too syrupy, yet it's not too dry. Now I like a good dry sparkling wine, and if you do too, then go with the Barefoot Brut. But if you don't really know what to pick, go with the Pinot Grigio, it's always tasty. Oh, and sparkling wine goes well with a kiss!

Happy Valentines Day! ♥

P.S. In case you decide to gamble on a different choice, you might also want to check out my tips for "fixing a bad bottle of wine."

Wine Aerator- A Must-Have for Dirt Cheap Wine Drinkers! A good wine aerator can help to "fix" any weird tastes or funky smells that can accompany a not-so-great bottle of wine. Don't pour it down the drain... pour it through an aerator! See some affordable choices at the Dirt Cheap Wine Store