What is Dirt Cheap Wine?

Since 2007, DCW has been providing you with reviews of wines that are $5 or less per bottle and easily found at your local grocery, drugstore or wine store.

Reviews- Simple, straightforward and written while tasting.

Now onto the wine!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

$5 Valpolicella

Valpolicella is actually not the grape itself but the area in Italy it is grown in. Valpolicella is typically made from three grape varietals: Corvina Veronese, Rondinella, and Molinara. I've had some delicious Valpolicella and this one unfortunately fell short. It tasted instantly of port followed by what tasted like water with a little bit of wine in it. After half of the glass I headed to the sink to dump it out, but I remembered how good chocolate goes with port. So I ate a couple of nibbles of some dark chocolate and voila! What a difference! It brightened up the flavors and made it drinkable but I had to nibble the chocolate ever other sip.

I give it a 2 out of 5

With chocolate, a 3 out of 5

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Wine Aerator- A Must-Have for Dirt Cheap Wine Drinkers! A good wine aerator can help to "fix" any weird tastes or funky smells that can accompany a not-so-great bottle of wine. Don't pour it down the drain... pour it through an aerator! See some affordable choices at the Dirt Cheap Wine Store